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Make sure you have python 3.9 and git VCS installed on your system.

To install the correct version of python you can use pyenv, brew (mac only) or simply download it.

From PyPi

Install encord-active in your favorite Python environment with the following commands:

python -m venv ea-venv
pip install encord-active

COCO extras

If you intend to work with files using COCO format you'll have to install Encord Active with an extra dependency:

pip install encord-active[coco]

You might need to install xcode-select if you are on Mac or C++ build tools if you are on Windows.

Check the Installation

To check what version of Encord Active is installed, run:

$ encord-active --version

This must be run in the same virtual environment where you installed the package.

The --help option provides some context to what you can do with encord-active. If you'd like to explore the available commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI), you can refer to the CLI section for more detailed information.


We also provide a docker image that works exactly as the CLI.

docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8000 -v ${PWD}:/data encord/encord-active <command>

Running the previous command will mount your current working directory, so everything that happens inside the docker container will persist after it is done.

SSH key

If you intend to use Encord Active with an Encord Annotate project you'll need to mount a volume with your SSH key as well.

docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8000 -v ${PWD}:/data -v ${HOME}/.ssh:/root/.ssh encord/encord-active

Then, when asked for your SSH key, you can point to ~/.ssh/<your-key-file>