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Data Quality Metrics

Data Quality Metrics work on images or individual video frames and depend on the image content without labels.

TitleMetric TypeData Type
Area - Ranks images by their area (width/height).image
Aspect Ratio - Ranks images by their aspect ratio (width/height).image
Blue Values - Ranks images by how blue the average value of the image is.image
Blur - Ranks images by their blurriness.image
Brightness - Ranks images by their brightness.image
Contrast - Ranks images by their contrast.image
Green Values - Ranks images by how green the average value of the image is.image
Image Singularity - Finds duplicate and near-duplicate images.image
Image Diversity - Forms clusters based on the ontology and ranks images from easy samples to hard samples.image
Random Values on Images - Assigns a random value between 0 and 1 to images.image
Red Values - Ranks images by how red the average value of the image is.image
Sharpness - Ranks images by their sharpness.image


Ranks images by their area.

Area is computed as the product of image width and image height (width×heightwidth \times height).

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Aspect Ratio

Ranks images by their aspect ratio.

Aspect ratio is computed as the ratio of image width to image height (widthheight\frac{width}{height}).

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Blue Values

Ranks images by how blue the average value of the image is.

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Ranks images by their blurriness.

Blurriness is computed by applying a Laplacian filter to each image and computing the variance of the output. In short, the score computes "the amount of edges" in each image. Note that this is 1sharpness1 - \text{sharpness}.

score = 1 - cv2.Laplacian(image, cv2.CV_64F).var()

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Ranks images their brightness.

Brightness is computed as the average (normalized) pixel value across each image.

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Ranks images by their contrast.

Contrast is computed as the standard deviation of the pixel values.

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Green Values

Ranks images by how green the average value of the image is.

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Image Singularity

This metric gives each image a score that shows each image's uniqueness.

  • A score of zero means that the image has duplicates in the dataset; on the other hand, a score close to one represents that image is quite unique. Among the duplicate images, we only give a non-zero score to a single image, and the rest will have a score of zero (for example, if there are five identical images, only four will have a score of zero). This way, these duplicate samples can be easily tagged and removed from the project.
  • Images that are near duplicates of each other will be shown side by side.

Possible actions

  • To delete duplicate images: You can set the quality filter to cover only zero values (that ends up with all the duplicate images), then use bulk tagging (e.g., with a tag like Duplicate) to tag all images.
  • To mark duplicate images: Near duplicate images are shown side by side. Navigate through these images and mark whichever is of interest to you.

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Image Diversity

For selecting the first samples to annotate when there is no label in the project, choosing simple samples that represent those classes well gives better results. This metric ranks images from easy samples to hard samples. Easy (hard) samples have lower (higher) scores.


  1. K-means clustering is applied to image embeddings. The total number of clusters is obtained from the ontology file (if there are both object and image-level information, total object classes are determined as the total cluster number). If no ontology information exists, K is determined as 10.
  2. Samples for each cluster are ranked based on their proximity to cluster centers. Samples closer to the cluster centers refer to easy samples.
  3. Different clusters are combined in a way that the result is ordered from easy to hard and the number of samples for each class is balanced for the first N samples.

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Random Values on Images

Uses a uniform distribution to generate a value between 0 and 1 to each image

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Red Values

Ranks images by how red the average value of the image is.

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Ranks images by their sharpness.

Sharpness is computed by applying a Laplacian filter to each image and computing the variance of the output. In short, the score computes "the amount of edges" in each image.

score = cv2.Laplacian(image, cv2.CV_64F).var()

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