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Writing Custom Quality Metric

Guide on how to write your own Custom Quality Metrics


If you are more comfortable using notebooks, we have a Google Colab notebook for writing your own metric.

Create a new python file in the <your_custom_metrics_folder> directory and use the template provided in libs/encord_active/metrics/ The subdirectory within libs/encord_active/metrics is dictated by what information the metric employs:

  • Geometric: Metrics related to the geometric properties of annotations. This includes size, shape, location etc.
  • Semantic: Metrics based on the contents of some image, video or annotation. This includes embedding distances, image uncertainties etc.
  • Heuristic: Any other metrics. For example, brightness, sharpness, object counts, etc.

You can use the following template to get started with writing your own metric. Your implementation should call writer.write(<object_score>, <object>) for every object in the iterator OR use writer.write(<frame_score>) for every data unit in the iterator.

from loguru import logger

from encord_active.lib.common.iterator import Iterator
from encord_active.lib.metrics.metric import Metric
from encord_active.lib.metrics.types import AnnotationType, DataType, MetricType
from encord_active.lib.metrics.writer import CSVMetricWriter

logger = logger.opt(colors=True)

class ExampleMetric(Metric):
def __init__(self):
title="Example Title",
short_description="Assigns same value and description to all objects.",
long_description=r"""For long descriptions, you can use Markdown to _format_ the text.

For example, you can make a
to the awesome paper that proposed the method.

Or use math to better explain such method:
$$h_{\lambda}(x) = \frac{1}{x^\intercal x}$$
doc_url='link/to/documentation', # This is optional, if a link is given, it can be accessed from the app
annotation_type=[AnnotationType.OBJECT.BOUNDING_BOX, AnnotationType.OBJECT.ROTATABLE_BOUNDING_BOX, AnnotationType.OBJECT.POLYGON],

def execute(self, iterator: Iterator, writer: CSVMetricWriter):
valid_annotation_types = {annotation_type.value for annotation_type in self.metadata.annotation_type}"My custom logging")
# Preprocessing happens here.
# You can build/load databases of embeddings, compute statistics, etc
for data_unit, image in iterator.iterate(desc="Progress bar description"):
# Frame level score (data quality)
writer.write(1337, description="Your description of the score [can be omitted]")
for obj in data_unit["labels"].get("objects", []):
# Label (object/classification) level score (label/model prediction quality)
if not obj["shape"] in valid_annotation_types:

# This is where you do the actual inference.
# Some convenient properties associated with the current data.
# ``iterator.label_hash`` the label hash of the current data unit
# ``iterator.du_hash`` the hash of the current data unit
# ``iterator.frame`` the frame of the current data unit
# ``iterator.num_frames`` the total number of frames in the label row.

# Do your thing (inference)
# Then
writer.write(42, labels=obj, description="Your description of the score [can be omitted]")

if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
from pathlib import Path

from encord_active.lib.metrics.execute import execute_metrics

path = sys.argv[1]
execute_metrics([ExampleMetric()], data_dir=Path(path))

Before running your own custom metric, make sure that you have project_meta.yaml file in the project data folder.

To run your metric from the root directory, use:

# within venv
python /path/to/your/data/dir

You can check the generated metric file in your <data root dir>/metrics, its name should be <hash>_example_title.csv . When you have run your metric, you can visualize your results by running:

# within venv
encord-active start

Now, you can improve your data/labels/model by choosing your own custom metric in the app.